Why We Should Encourage Flexibility in the Workplace

There are a lot of reasons why employers should look to encourage flexibility in the workplace. Whatever your definition of flexibility, there’s no doubt that it can alter the culture of your office; even placing you on the cutting edge.

Regardless if you’re on the cutting edge or not, there’s always work to be done. Because you still have competitors and still have clients who need your products or services. Whatever way you look at it, you’ve got things to do, people and companies to compete with and on top of that, talent to attract.

But your problems could be partly solved  merely by implementing flexibility in the workplace. Whether that means flexible work arrangements or flexible working hours, encouraging flexibility in the office can do wonders.

An implementation of this work structure can totally change the game. It doesn’t matter if you’re number one in your industry or competing for a larger market share. You can get something from improved office flexibility. When you’re number two (or so on), you have to work harder than the rest. So why not work smarter? More flexible?

Out-do your competitors and over-deliver to your clients. By a mere change in your internal comings-and-goings, you can alter the company culture and be on track to being an influencer.

So here it is, our five reasons we should encourage flexibility in the workplace.


Flexibility in the Workplace

Image: Unsplash.com

Best employees

It’s no surprise that the best employees want to work for the best companies. So employing a strategy for flexibility in the workplace is a good plan for recruiting the best talent in your industry. Often times, the best talent have worked for companies with dull carpets and florescent lights. So being the company that allows them the opportunity to escape that and instead provide a space for creativity, productivity and enjoyment at work; you can be the saviour.

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What happens when an industry rockstar needs a better culture and greater flexibility in their work, that their current job just isn’t doing? They’ll want to move. So the result is that eventually you’ll have a team of winners working for you.

But, why are they so compelled to work for a more flexible company? Well, it’s because adding more flexibility into the office structure allows the employees to go at their own pace. Not working 9-5 if that’s what they desire (or work best). Or allowing an employee to finish early to fulfil other commitments doesn’t detract from their work. Instead, builds them up. Becoming more productive and living their life within their own circadian rhythm, letting employees get their stuff done, the way that best suits them.

So with this team, you’ll undoubtedly have more of an opportunity out-compete with your competitors and provide your clients with a greater product. Ultimately landing you as the company people want to work with, allowing you to soar and not just survive.


There’s something to be said for a team with a strong desire to show up at work. Let alone having high morale. Because like it or not, these two things are related.

Since you can throw a rock and likely hit someone with a “horror story” of a job they hated. It’s all too easy to see how the average business could fall into the trap of being dull and boring. Because once that kicks in, there’s only so much time before your employees start to hate getting up in the morning.

This is where flexibility in the workplace and a generally flexible work arrangement can aid you. Having a desire to be at work is half the battle when trying to deliver great work. So a lot of this comes down to culture and workplace flexibility builds culture.

Reduces stress

For professionals, there are few things that can cause a burden more than stress. And given that it has the potential to lead to more serious issues, stress levels should be a priority.

Allowing for workplace flexibility, general work arrangements or flexible working hours can be a way to ensure your employees’ are stress-free. This is because when an employee is enjoying a flexible work schedule, they’re more likely to find job satisfaction and a greater work/life balance.

Most people don’t want to spend their whole lives at work. Most want to spend time with loved ones, friends, pet’s, partaking in their hobbies or any other number of things. Therefore, allowing them the ability to have their lives not solely revolve around work is an investment. An investment into your employees and your business.


Flexibility in the Workplace

Image: Pixabay.com

Work/life balance

Following on from the previous point, a good work/life balance can be one of the healthiest assets to an employee. Allowing their lives to be split, thinking about work while at work and whatever their interests in their free time is invaluable.

As an employer, you can encourage this. Through a careful shaping of an employee’s contract or the strategic building of the office culture, a benefiting work/life balance can be achieved. Promoting a strong work/life balance through flexibility in the workplace ensures personal growth.

As an employer, this should be important to you because it then allows for reduced stress, a willingness to work and the potential for increased productivity.

Builds trust and commitment

Trust is something that is earned and not given. Therefore, when building trust, you receive more in return. Whether that be increased commitment to their role, more job satisfaction or greater growth and progression in the workplace.

Flexible workplace arrangements are beneficial to everyone involved. None more than the element of trust. When a person feels they’re trusted, regardless of which side they’re on, they feel an undeniable sense of comfort. However, beyond that. An increased sense of trust has proven to have an effect on the bottom line and general employee performance.

Allowing employees to take control of their work schedule ensures they become more self-motivating and take on more of a personal management role. Growing their feelings of personal responsibility, their productivity increases.

In Summary

All in all, flexibility in the workplace may very well help your business. However, it’ll just as likely improve the lives of your employees. And that has a domino effect that is undeniable. For when you allow your employees the room to come and go, work at their pace and by their schedule, you let them manage themselves in a much more direct way and become more productive in the process.

Whether it be through flexible hours or building your office culture, consider the positivity you can inflict on your employees and business alike.


Source:  https://inside.6q.io/encourage-flexibility-in-the-workplace/



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